# `sphinx-examples` A small sphinx extension to add "example snippets" that allow you to show off source markdown and the result of rendering it in Sphinx. For example: ````{example} Showing off a card and note directive :::{note} Here's a sample note! ::: ```` :::{warning} This currently only works with MyST Markdown content, it will not work if you've written your documentation in reStructuredText. ::: ## Install Install with pip: ```console $ pip install sphinx-examples ``` ## Use The `{example}` directive allows you to show off some source markdown, and the result of rendering it. It is meant to help you demonstrate functionality of a theme, extension, syntax, etc. For example: ````{example} Using the example directive ```{example} Example title Here's my **example**! ``` ```` ### Reverse source and result You can reverse the order of `source` and `result` by using the `:reverse:` flag, like so: ````{example} ```{example} Reversed source and result :reverse: Here's my **example**! ``` ```` You can also remove the parent container of the source/result blocks in case you wish to demonstrate something that would not work properly inside a container: ### Remove the container with simple mode You can remove the Sphinx Design container entirely, which simply places the source / result next to one another. This is useful if the container would prevent you from demonstrating some functionality: ````{example} No container so we can show off a margin :no-container: ```{example} :no-container: :::{margin} Here's my **margin content**! ::: ``` ```` ### Add your own class You can add your own classes to examples as well. For example: ````{example} :no-container: ```{example} A full-width example :class: full-width :no-container: :::{note} A full-width note! ::: ``` ```` ```{toctree} reference changelog ```